Thought I would share something.

Everyone’s heard of SMART objectives. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Oriented.

To me, that’s SMART 1.0. Now let’s look at SMART 2.0.

Scalable – These days a well-planned objective should cater from small to large capacities. Be it revenue, headcount, campaigns etc, having the ability to scale is critical in moving quickly.

Marketable – All objectives (and the gaining of its approval) has its fair share of stakeholders. If your objective is marketable within them and enables them to buy-in to your cause, then half the battle is won.

Agile – An objective should be modular enough so that while it holds on to its core; it should still be agile enough to adapt to the current environment. Think about our current WFH situation and how that impacts performance management. Or even how a sales person would now set a sales objective when they can’t meet their clients face to face.

Responsive – Comedian Jerry Seinfeld once said he knew that he would bomb with the crowd from the first joke; simply cos it wasn’t good enough and he didn’t put the effort into it. But then a good small joke would generate the right response and from there he could navigate to succeed. An objective should elicit response and in turn enable you to generate momentum and also gauge the success of it.

Tech-Related – Let’s be honest, tech is the language we speak today. Be it the core objective or the platform in which it sits, a sustainable objective should be technology bound.

SMART 2.0 isn’t a replacement of SMART 1.0, rather a second layer of putting across better objectives in these current times. An evolution of sorts.

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