Welcome to the official stuff.

I’ll get right to it. You’re probably here to find a solution for a problem that needs a fix urgently. Below is a list of the work I’ve done for my stakeholders and clients. My ask is that you read them in totality, you might find something that you might eventually need.

You can email me directly for a consultation.


Case 1 - Corporate Reorganization

I was approached by a mutual connection seeking help on how to restructure her events agency. What started as a small on the ground activation company grew in to a business that had about 30 permanent employees running about a 5 – 7 major events and a dozen smaller events in a year.

She was facing issues in workforce management, and generally had misalignments in job functions. Some work being done by her team was overlapping, thus creating a not that streamlined approach to work which eventually started showing via signs on inefficiency, missed workflow and the drop in the quality of execution. This was standard issue stuff for a rapidly growing organization, where they focused on hiring talent that could move and work quickly.

What we did was to put across an easy solve. We sat down to structure a proper organizational chain of command. My ask from her was to put on paper, how she envisioned the client’s journey with her organization and how they would come away happy, content and ready to utilize them again for future projects.

After that it was simply putting across definitions of levels, job functions, roles and responsibilities. Happy to report that no one had to be made redundant, all of her employees were happy to accept a more defined role and in that, are able to determine career planning for themselves.

We also planned out contingencies, elements like what would her skeleton crew be? Who are critical talents for the organization? How big can she get before we see detrimental impact? In doing that, she’s more prepared for the future of her business.


Case 2 - Starting Up HR for SMEs

I was given the privilege to consult for one of my long-time friend in starting up the base of his new company. Being a business that dealt with fabrication, he required blue collar talents for his shop floor.

Our initial discussion was focused on creating the right HR policies on hiring, salary, deductions, tax/EPF and payroll. Without giving too much away, certain critical discussion points regarding Health & Safety as well as machine work qualifications were part of the initial planning as well. We worked out a proper organizational work chart for the HSE reasons, vetted vendors with easily managed systems that can manage payroll, leave and overtime calculations and it was good to go.

As an extra bit, I also prepared him with policies regarding insurance, on-boarding and terminations. Fast forward 5 years and he’s got a workforce of 18 who are all trained up, working safely and happy with the work environment.


Case 3 - Pro Bono Work

I also do pro bono work in talent and recruitment for fellow professionals in the market. I mentor talents from my alumni associations of Monash University and Sunway College. I’ve worked with regional business leaders in HR advisory setups as well as being a subject matter expert in HR policies. All in all, doing what I can to give back to the community.