What’s after The Great Resignation?

I guess everyone’s heard of The Great Resignation, or the Big Quit. I’m not here to re-explain it, rather I’m more towards anticipating on what happens after that.

Could be an unpopular opinion, but I think The Great Resignation separates the talents that shows grit, perseverance, control and critical thinking. Those that have these, they stay on.

Organizations that find the talent ocean to be bountiful would then spend more to find the best, only to realize they fall short of expectations. Call it a faux group catalyst of elevated talent value of sorts.

Organizations then would forego these and go hunting for better, i.e. those that stayed, those that took extra work and responsibilities, thus building them in growth and career. While those that left on a whim, find that they get left behind, both in talent and remuneration value.

I reckon this group would then have to take what I call a "sacrificial job", maybe one that compensates less or is at a parallel level just to get back into the running.

So, post Great Resignation I foresee the The Grand Canyon of Talent. hmm I think I need a better name for this. I'll get back on it :)

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