Work From Anywhere

It’s been a year of the pandemic. Covid has made us adapt to working from home, which isn’t too dissimilar from working from a café, your car, on the train or Anywhere really. This challenges the notion of work hours. The traditional 9 to 5 doesn’t exist anymore. Work now happens in project pieces and segmented times where you could work at a pace, decompress and then repeat. Work “hours” are slowly becoming redundant with the regional/global hours that we keep.  

This has opened up the talent pool from anywhere as well as allow for a more global approach to knowledge sharing, inherently making employees develop and learn better with the integration of different working styles as well as organizational cultures.So in a sense as an employer, you can hire anyone, anywhere and to an employee, the distance doesn’t really matter.  

However, we then need to look at how the elements that drive an organization can be reinterpreted. Performance management is one. How do we relook at deliverables if we don’t have visibility on how an employee achieves or delivers their objectives? Should we base it on end results and work done or do we have to realign expectations of soft skills, like leadership, working under pressure, team collaboration and even presentation skills? 

We also want to ensure that the employee is connected, not just technologically, but connected with their peers and have the ability to talk to someone, knowledge share and generally build the culture of the organization. Usually, employees emulate their leaders, and most of the time they do it by observing, mirroring and adapting it for their own mannerisms. It’ll be tough if the most interaction we have are video calls.

This might require the org to come into play by providing support to their employees, be it forums for learning and sharing or even employee assistance programs as mental health advocacy. Elements that drive conversation and resetting on what interactions are, is critical in evolving the culture of the organization to a new tribe to talents what work from anywhere.

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